Skin Rejuvenation & Resurfacing–Jetpeel Treatment
Skin Rejuvenation and Resurfacing – Jetpeel Treatment
Jetpeel Treatment
Jetpeel Treatment is the newest innovation in non-invasive skincare, offering a needle-free, pain-free solution or serious skincare. Patented technology using pressurized oxygen, accelerates a jet stream of liquid micro-droplets, creating tiny microchannels in the skin to deliver nutrients down to the dermal layer to address specific skin conditions, providing visible results with no downtime.
JetPeel treatments combine the benefits of dermabrasion, chemical peel, extractions and microneedling to detox, exfoliate and infuse bio-active nutrients deep into the skin.
Every treatment consists of three steps:
- LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE – A pressurized massage using specially- formulated detoxifying water, deep cleans and purifies, stimulating blood and lymphatic circulation to eliminate toxins.
- EXFOLIATION – Detoxifying water, combined with active exfoliating ingredients, gently removes natural skin debris and dead skin cells that clog pores. It oxygenates the tissue and stimulates microcirculation, preparing skin to receive nutrients during the infusion step.
- INFUSION – A pressurized force of customized, bioactive skin nutrients are infused deep into the dermis via a patented handpiece. All-natural, nutrient-rich formulas include vitamins and minerals, such as Hyaluronic Acid, Bio-Peptides, Vitamin A+E. Vitamin B5 and Vitamin C, which are essential to the elasticity, radiance and health of the skin.
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